Thursday, July 24, 2014

Extra Bullet

      Sometimes it is painful to have to see what is in front of you.  Often times we see what we WANT to see; a loyal friend, an honest opinion, trust, love, etc.  But, we have to remember that the world can be ruthless and people have to look out for number 1, which is often times...themselves.  You can't blame them.  It's instincts.

     I read this quote once that said, "when people show you their true colors, believe them the first time." This leads me to the quote above. 

    Recently, I have had to face a difficult situation.  This situation showed me someone's true colors and frankly, unforgivable words.  Trust is such an important thing and once that is betrayed you really can never have it be the  same.  I mean, unless you have that Men in Black thing.  Sometimes I wish I could just look into a pen and forget what people have done, but I cannot. 

     Furthermore, I didn't want this person to continue playing their games with my family, smoke and mirrors.  It's all a little too political to me.  I see how it is and I say how it is, I cannot help but call a spade a spade.  People don't like that, some don't.  They are afraid that you will expose their true character and devastate the foundation of faulty relationships that they have made.  This foundation makes them stand high but expose that cracked foundation and they will fall, losing face.  They have to put of the front, fake. 

     I'm not going to let those people close enough to use a second bullet.  The first one missed but that doesn't mean I didn't see where it came from.  Believe people's character when they show it to you.. 

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