Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Mean Girls....it's not just for High School

Mean Girls....it's not just for High School

     Mean girls, too bad it wasn't just a movie.  This is a real life phenom that is plaguing girls everywhere.  In high school it was the cafeteria, locker room, homecoming or prom...cliques everywhere.  In college it is via groups, clubs, majors, high school alums vs transfers, and Greek life.   After college you still see it; the gym, work, wives clubs, and which HS or college you went to.  All of these things have something in common, exclusion. 
     These groups and cliques exclude people.  There are many ways to make people left out, I speak from first hand experience, that's for sure.  Women gossip, have back handed compliments, digs, dirty looks etc  I never understood why women or girls feel like they have to shun other women but I guess that's just instincts.
      Teams are formed to reach common goals.  Some of those goals are toxic and horrible, making someone feel cast out or to make them the butt of jokes.  Women originally would team up for survival.  They needed each other for hunting and gathering.  Shunning other women from the group meant their demise.  Now, that demise is social devastation.  This video from the TODAY show is very interesting and brings light to the issue.

        Mean girls are portrayed in media, reality TV shows (they are hilarious and I love Bravo but what kind of example are we putting out there for people that don't know better), so forth.  But there is a way that you can deal with it.
       First, if you are a part of this group and don't necessarily feel comfortable with the treatment of others, SPEAK UP!  If may be hard and you don't want to be the next target but believe me...you don't want to fit in with people like that, guilty by association. 
      Second, if you are the person that is being bullied and bad mouthed...STAND UP FOR YOURSELF.  You will feel proud of yourself when it's all said and done.  It will be difficult and you will want to crumble because sometimes running from the issue is easier but if it isn't you...it will be someone else.  I can't stand to watch anyone be taken advantage of or bullied, it took me years but I'm sure enough of myself now that I know I'm worth it.  I am worth respect.
      Third, think about their point of view.  Bullies are sad sad people.  They usually pick and shun because they are envious, weak, or all about the "destroying" competition so that they can survive in their social standing...how barbaric?!  You will see, in the instance where I was being bullied and singled out I finally noticed that it was about competition.  I wasn't going to conform to this "girl's" system, I challenge things and when you challenge people on a high horse...well, they don't like it and they will try to rally the troops.  This is nothing about you, it's about their insecurities.  With those people you just tell them, "THIS MUST STOP."  That's it!  Just STOP...stop the gossip, the bad mouthing, games, etc.  If they do the, "I have no idea what you are talking about?"  walk away and know that you are the bigger person, leave...that's a fool's game and the only fool is the one trying to exclude you. 
     I hope this makes sense or at least helps someone.  I felt so sad and lonely and then started to blame myself but it was not my fault.  If people was to listen to gossip, let them.  You really don't want those type of people in your life anyways.    

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Extra Bullet

      Sometimes it is painful to have to see what is in front of you.  Often times we see what we WANT to see; a loyal friend, an honest opinion, trust, love, etc.  But, we have to remember that the world can be ruthless and people have to look out for number 1, which is often times...themselves.  You can't blame them.  It's instincts.

     I read this quote once that said, "when people show you their true colors, believe them the first time." This leads me to the quote above. 

    Recently, I have had to face a difficult situation.  This situation showed me someone's true colors and frankly, unforgivable words.  Trust is such an important thing and once that is betrayed you really can never have it be the  same.  I mean, unless you have that Men in Black thing.  Sometimes I wish I could just look into a pen and forget what people have done, but I cannot. 

     Furthermore, I didn't want this person to continue playing their games with my family, smoke and mirrors.  It's all a little too political to me.  I see how it is and I say how it is, I cannot help but call a spade a spade.  People don't like that, some don't.  They are afraid that you will expose their true character and devastate the foundation of faulty relationships that they have made.  This foundation makes them stand high but expose that cracked foundation and they will fall, losing face.  They have to put of the front, fake. 

     I'm not going to let those people close enough to use a second bullet.  The first one missed but that doesn't mean I didn't see where it came from.  Believe people's character when they show it to you.. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Come Sale Away- Part 2

Come Sale Away- Part 2
Where to shop for greats deals

(sorry it won't let me link this to the fashion page)
Okay, I guess I will let you in on some of my shopping secrets.  I do not like to spend a lot of money.  I will even try to find the "classics" or "staples" at a bargain price without sacrificing the quality.
This is one of my favorite sites.  You can get quality cosmetics for a fraction of the cost i.e. TOO FACE and WHITENING LIGHTENING cosmetics for up to 90% off!!!   Beauty gurus talk about these products but if you get them from their original site you will get sticker shock!! On Hautelook they sell out quick so sign up for free and get notifications via email for new sales.

Many think that Zulily is only for expecting mothers, NOT!!  You can find some many awesome finds on this site; shoes, dresses, scarves, makeup, hair tools, etc.  You can also find home decor and finds for the guy in your life. 



This is a new favorite for me!  You can find just about anything you want.  The shipping is so FAST!!  You can even access Nordstrom Rack from Hautelook's page just click the tab on the top of the page, EASY!!


Groop Dealz will send you emails daily with a preview of what is on their site for sale.  You can get FREE SHIPPING and you know when the products will ship out.  I have made my first order and will update afterwards.  My package should arrive tomorrow!! They also have clothing, home decor, and goods for babies!!

I hope that you check out these sites and find yourselves a great deal =).  Name brands for less!!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Come SALE Away- the look for less (Part 1)

Come SALE Away- the look for less
This first post will be about what to splurge on and  what to save on when it comes to your closet.....my next post will be about the sites and sales that I go to for the look for less. 

I have expensive taste but let's be honest, we have bills, student loans, food, gas, etc.  I love good quality clothing but I rarely pay full price.  Sales and bargain locations are a must.  Many times I will be wearing an outfit and head to toe I spend less than $50-70.

TIPS- it is okay to "splurge" on classics by splurge I mean, these items are going to last a while and they will probably not go out of style for a long long time. 


Splurge worthy items include:

- Black Blazer

- Little Black Dress
- Great fitting/comfortable pair of jeans (traditional fit)

- a GREAT bra (your boobs and back will thank you...clothes will fit better and you'll feel hot)

- Classic pump (either nude or black, you can wear these with jeans, dresses, skirts, etc)

- White button up (pair this with statement jewelry, a jean jacket, lace shorts etc....goes a long way)

- a neutral coat
- Jean jacket

- Ballet flat

- Pair of equestrian boots (becoming a staple)


(**in my opinion these are staples.  You can pair these with dressed up looks and dressed down looks.)

 SAVE your Money on Trends- trends comes and go...some we LOVE to say goodbye to BUT if you are curious and want to try out looks SAVE on these items.

Pinch pennies on:

- Leather details - shorts, shirts, dresses

- Fringe- it comes and goes but it doesn't last long
- Sequins- yes, I love the bling bling too but this is a trend in my eyes, not a classic (except for NYE of course).

- LARGE statement jewelry- these can be costly...find the look for less and build your costume jewelry collection
- Cut outs- in dresses, tops, even pants
- Crop tops- self explanatory

(**You get the idea) 

Friday, January 17, 2014

That's Tricky- Make-up Tips

Time consuming makeup application is not always ideal, let's be honest...we are often times rushing rushing rushing. 

Here are a few tips that make my makeup stay put all night and some of the tricks I use to make sure that the application is quick and easy. 

1.  EYES
  • Brows 
    • First start with the shape that you like.  Even if you dont have time but for mascara and brows it will MAKE A BIG IMPACT. 
    •  This is how you will basically shape the brows if you have sparce spots FILL THEM in with eyeshadow or a brow pencil.
    • STAYING POWER, you can set them with hairspray on a wand brush if you don't have brow gel. 
    • Brows are sisters not twins so don't worry about them not being perfectly matched.  They are the framing of the face and eyes so give them a little TLC =)
  • Lids
    • PRIME PRIME PRIME PRIME, this will be a base to get your eyeshadows true color as well as helping the eyeshadow stay all day/night without creasing (most times). Below you will see E.L.F's eye primer $1, holla!!

    • If you just use concealer to get your lids ready for shadow, that is fine but try not to do it with your fingers.  It will transfer oils from your fingers and cause creasing.
    • EYELINER TRICK***- Use scotch tape to make that sexy cat eye in a fraction of the time, little strokes help with the application as well as a short applicator to help you control the brush
    • Mascara is a beautiful thing, falsies aren't alway that comfortable so using DIFFERENT kinds of mascaras may help you achieve the fake lash look.  i.e. one lengthening and one volume....BOOM, perfect lashes. 
      • Heat up your lash curler- helps maintain the curl and lasts longer =)
      • Wiggle the product in....amazing results
      • More than one pass of the brush to build product up.

2.  FACE- AKA Money Maker
  • PRIME PRIME PRIME PRIME, your skin will thank you.  Your makeup will GLIDE on and many primers have minerals that are healthy for your skin....yay Vitamins!!! (Shown is E.L.F's face primer for $3-6 at Target)
    • Pat on foundation for FULL coverage and swipe for minimal coverage
    • Do concealer is a V formation under the eye instead of straight.  This will highlight your eyes, lift the eye, as well as draw attention up....WHO DOES NOT WANT THAT?!
    • Many women stay away for powder but if you have oily skin powder will help your skin stay matte and will absorb oil.  Powder also keeps your makeup from shifting around AKA disappearing
    • LAST STEP- SET SET SET SET SET, like volleyball....you need a good set to kill it.  This is also true of killer makeup a setting spray or hairspray mist will help your makeup stay all day/night long.  It also will help hydrate your skin as well as providing you with vitamins.....Who wants glowy skin without makeup?? This will help. 
I hope that you found some of these tricks helpful. I use E.L.F. products and honestly, I haven't been disappointed yet.  Fast, easy, long lasting makeup on the move. 
Work it, Ladies =)  Enjoy!